How to Have a Successful Golf Season

Snow is gone and warm weather is upon us which means many of you are planning to ‘hit the links’ in the coming months. Regardless of your age, gender, and golf ability an injury won’t help your golf game! Our physical therapists share their top tips to maintain physical health this golf season below.

Tip 1: Always warm up

Whether you’re playing for leisure or competition, taking a cart or walking, you can’t escape the fact that golf is a physical activity. With any physical activity it’s important to warm up and ‘wake up’ your muscles to prevent injury. Our team recommends taking 10-15 minutes before play to stretch your upper and lower body.

Not sure, what stretches to do? Our experts can help!

Tip 2: Focus on mobility, flexibility and strength

Golf is a full-body exercise and the strength of your swing comes from the health of your joints and muscles. Lack of joint mobility in the neck, shoulder, and/or back can negatively affect your swing. Additionally, a successful follow-through and back swing is rooted in the flexibility of both your hips and shoulders. Many swing faults can be attributed to lack of core and limb strength.

To receive a full body assessment and treatment plan to improve your mobility, flexibility and strength schedule an appointment with our physical therapists!

Tip 3: Stay Hydrated: Before, During, and After!

While golf may not be your most strenuous workout, it is in fact a workout. It’s important to drink water before, during and after your play to help the body recover from the activity especially on hot days. A hydrated body can lead to better muscle health and less fatigue resulting in an overall improved golf game!

For more tips on how to improve your golf game, contact our team at AmeriCare Physical Therapy today!

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