Postpartum Pain Relief - Do you get back pain while lifting your child?

By: Amita Mali, PT, OCS, FAAOMPT.

Postpartum Pain Relief in Mothers with Back Discomfort

Low back pain has various causes, it is crucial to take note when a postpartum mother complains of low back pain. There are a multitude of things that we can do to help.

Changes in the Body During and After Pregnancy

Lower Back Pain during pregnancy
Lower back pain during pregnancy
  1. Postural
  2. Spinal Alignment
  3. Altered muscular control
  4. Hormonal Shifts that can result in joint laxity in the body

Demands of a New Mother

Breast feeding, Diaper changes, bathing the baby with transfers is a continuous demand that is placed on the new mother's body. All of which may result in back pain.

Breast feeding several times a day in a slouched position is a tremendous source of upper back pain. There are several positional changes that can be made to prevent pain of the upper back from breastfeeding.

Child rearing activities like diaper changing, picking them from the floor, and carrying them around are potential sources for low back pain since the muscular system is not ready to work along with the skeletal system to lift the load. 

Happy Mother Father and Child

How Can we Help?

Physical Therapists trained in treating patients during pregnancy and after childbirth can assess core strength, alignment, posture during breastfeeding, lifting mechanics, and leg strength. This examination helps them understand the specific treatment that would benefit you the most and help you get stronger and have back pain relief.

At AmeriCare Physical Therapy we can help treat your postpartum back pain. Our certified Physical Therapists are specialized in pelvic floor Physical therapy
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